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2k170523 Molly ki Ma Logo

Our guarantee:

the performance

you want us to deliver


We designed and installed

our 12 V and 48 V systems

in 2015


We learned about the impact of

the wet and dry seasons

in Trinidad and Tobago

on the rated energy delivery

of wind and solar generators


 Our goal was to deliver reliable and stable electrical power

demanded by the customer specifications

in Trinidad and Tobago


We design and install Wind & Solar Combo systems

to our customer specifications

including but not limited to

charging stations for Electric Vehicles (EV)


Read and learn about

Issues with Electrification of transportation


We do not sell wind and solar generators.

We sell Wind and Solar Combo Systems

that deliver performance

day and night, rain or shine


For a free Video Chat with Dr Jagam

click on chat and submit your request today