What is the advantage of SolarMill over Solar alone or Wind alone installations of the same power generating capacity per day?
From a consumer point of view, the advantage is measured by comparing the cost of power generated per day. Power harnessed from solar energy is generated only when the sun is shining during the day, and no power is generated when the sun is not shining at night. Therefore, the solar generator is sitting idle at night, and costing money to the consumer per dollar invested in capital cost.
Similarly, wind is not blowing all the time with the same intensity. Power from wind energy harnessed by wind generators is highly variable, and has to be conditioned from a usage point of view, by storing the power during high production than demand, and supplied on demand during low production periods. The storage capacity needed by wind generators to supply reliable steady power to the consumer is similar to the solar generator, and costing money to the consumer per dollar invested in capital cost.
SolarMill design harnesses energy from wind energy and solar energy simultaneously by combining the two technologies in a single compact unit. The electrical energy produced per unit area "footprint" of the electrical generator is higher with the SolarMIll design than with designs based on wind or solar technologies alone.
The power density is defined as electrical energy produced per unit volume above the footprint occupied by the electrical generator per day. SolarMIll design delivers a higher power density because the solar panels do not obstruct the wind blowing below them. The wind energy can be harnessed at the same time as when the solar energy can be harnessed during the day. In addition, wind energy is being harnessed at night when the sun is not shining and is replenishing and conserving the stored energy. Therefore, the total power delivered to the consumer per day is more with the SolarMill than solar or wind alone of the same generating capacity, for the same cost of the storage capacity needed for delivering continuous power.
What is power generating capacity per day?
Power generating capacity per day is measured in kWh of electrical energy generated by an installation per day. The power generated is different from the power delivered to the consumer on-demand. Consumer demands are not constant in time per hour and may even change minute by minute when using devices such as elevators, or welding machines, which consume electricity as needed. Therefore, a higher power generating capacity is needed to meet peak demands on power.
Why does cost increase for delivering continuous reliable power on demand by the consumer?
Sun shines only during the day, and power is not generated when the sun is not shining, for example at night. There are only a maximum of six sunshine hours per day that are useful for power generation by solar installations. So, power storage media such as batteries are needed to deliver power when the sun is not shining. This increases the cost of the installation for generating power 24 hours per day. In addition to the cost of the batteries, there is an added cost of the additional solar panels required for generating electricity for storage during sunshine hours.
If power is consumed as soon as it is generated, then the cost of power delivered to the consumer is lower than when it is stored and delivered on-demand. If stored power is not available on-demand, the power delivered to the consumer on demand has to be generated on demand. The cost of the capacity to generate on-demand power is also a cost to be taken into account by the consumer. This capacity is kept on standby and idling during the time it is not used by the consumer. This cost is like an idling labourer who is paid a wage by the hour or by the day. It is money paid as a premium for receiving a reliable supply of on-demand power. This cost could be expensive compared to the average cost of supplying electricity.
How does SolarMill by WSTI optimize the cost of on-demand power to the consumer?
A SolarMill installation optimizes the storage capacity needed by the consumer with respect to the generating capacity needed for the on-demand needs of the consumer. Therefore the overall cost of the combo installation in the SolarMill design is lower than the cost of a solar alone or wind alone installation.
In addition, the modular design of the SolarMill by WSTI enables the consumer to build capacity as the demand for power increases with increasing needs.
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